Memorie Beatlesiane PINK FLOYD 1974 WEMBLEY CONCERT … we were there…


A novembre fu la volta dei Pink Floyd! Si trattava del British Winter Tour del 1974 al Wembley Empire Pool. Come resistere ad una simile occasione? All’epoca, e negli anni precedenti, ascoltavamo soprattutto questa musica così innovativa e non stavamo più in noi dalla gioia di ascoltarli live. Prendemmo il biglietto come al solito, spedendo le sterline nella busta e ricevendoli quasi subito i (la Royal Mail funzionava anche in mezza giornata). Sul biglietto da noi conservato, leggo Row 0, seat 18, ed era la seconda entrata, di sopra in galleria, comunque si vedeva ed ascoltava benissimo. Fin dal percorso in metropolitana notavo la differenza tra il pubblico dei vari concerti: questi dei Pink Floyd erano per la maggior parte silenziosi e calmi. Nessuno aveva più di 30 anni ed il capello lungo e l’abbigliamento pittoresco erano d’ordinanza….

A pag. 76 e altre di “MEMORIE BEATLESIANE e dintorni”… di Rita Tunes e Enrico Pelos…

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In November it was Pink Floyd’s turn! It was the British Winter Tour 1974 at Wembley Empire Pool. How to resist such an opportunity? At that time, and in previous years, especially listening to such innovative music was unusual and we were looking forward to listening to them live. We took the tickets as usual, sending and receiving them in the envelope in the return for the pounds almost immediately (the Royal Mail also worked in half a day). On the ticket retained by us, read Row 0, seat 18, and was the second entrance, upstairs in the gallery, however you saw and heard very well. From the path on the subway I noticed the difference between the various concerts public: these were for the most part silent and calm. No one was more than 30 years, and the long hair and colorful clothes were almost compulsory ….

Author: Enrico Pelos

Landscape Environmental Urbex Photographer, Writer, Publisher

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